The Cons of Driving an Electric Vehicle (EV)

Piper Hendricks
5 min readJun 18, 2022

As I noted in an earlier post, I purchased Volkswagen’s electric SUV last fall. I specifically wanted an SUV so that my road bike could ride inside the car as I crisscrossed the country, and I didn’t want a Tesla. If Elon Musk spent his money like MacKensie Scott, perhaps I would feel differently, but he doesn’t, so I proudly drive a darling ID4. Over the course of my 7,000 miles, in addition to 8 positive elements of the EV life, I’ve experienced 3 disappointments:

This image from Luismi Sánchez on Unsplash is actually from Spain, not West Texas, but you get the idea.


In crisscrossing the country, I intended to drive from Florida to California. I had no trouble getting as far as central Texas solely on Electrify America stations. But when I began to map out west Texas, I was no longer certain I could easily drive between stations — Electrify America or other options — without getting stuck. Beyond Texas, stations seemed more plentiful and, of course, once you hit California there seems to be a station every 2 miles. But as a woman traveling alone, I didn’t want to take the risk. Lucky for me, the couple in California put the “trust” in Trusted Housesitters and left me access to their car.


As I noted in my first post (see Pro #5), chargers come in many different speeds, ranging from 40 minutes to well over 24 hours to get to a full…



Piper Hendricks

Stubborn Optimist. Pondering Nomad. Not-yet-recovered Workaholic, but working hard on that. I write about advocacy, balance, words, being real, and being human.